Friday, March 22, 2019

Lines, Ellipses, and Boxes: DrawABox Homework 1

Sometimes you have to go back to the basics. I'm working on improving the mechanical control, greatly helped by DrawABox, a website of drawing lessons created by artist and YouTube channel Uncomfortable. His approach is more about mechanics and muscle memory, at least when getting started. Then a student moves on to perspective before moving on to the more complex subjects of later lessons.

Whoo, boy! Those exercises take time, especially if you're conscious of what you're doing. I've taken around an hour to complete some of the ellipse and box exercises. But, I think it's worth it. You can see the results so far of my homework below.

Exercise: lines

 Exercise: planes

Exercise: ellipses (I hate ellipses, they always give me trouble. So these are perfect for me)

Exercise: perspective

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