I included in the last post a page of studies of Jim Hawkins. That was for an art trade. So're these.

Dunno why green colerase. No, wait. It was the first pencil my hand touched.
Aqualad © DC, WB, and CN
I'm taking part in a challenge on Livejournal, hosted by a long time aquaintance, Karine. It's April Drawing, and the challenge is to draw something every day for the month of April. For those who need help with ideas, there are challenges posted. I decided to try today's, which was to draw at least three hands, a form of life drawing practice (nothing cartoonish). Below is my attempt, click for a larger version. Clockwise from top left: my left hand, a photo ref of Jack Sparrow, and photo ref of Gov. Swann, both from PotC.

For future posts, I'm going to consolidate a couple days' worth of images. Don't need to post more than necessary.
I've been watching Illustration Friday for a while, but this is my first time participating. This week's prompt: "snap". I think this pretty much meets it.